
Polypropylene ultrafine denier, polypropylene filament, polypropylene filament, polypropylene high strength filament, polypropylene filament manufacturer, polypropylene filament
[Montaie - polypropylene fine denier in the leader]
Release date:[2018/2/5] Is reading[1379]次

"It's cold, wear more!"

"Cool, add more clothes!"

"You have to wear more cold ..."

"Wear so little, will be sick ... ..."

Greetings of these concerns, you must say a lot of it? You do not say, it must have less to listen to others say?


In most people's minds, "When it's cold, get sick and wear more clothes, wear more warmth." This concept is deeply rooted.

However, this is not the case.


▲ Do you think the only way to warm?


"To make your child safe and secure, bring one-third hunger and cold"

For children, it is not the more wear the better, the old saying goes, "To ensure peace and child safety, with three points hunger and cold" is a certain truth, many children with winter clothes are too hot and stuffy Sweating related.

Kids metabolism is relatively strong, and often in active state, their personal clothing should pay more attention to sweat and breathable, rather than warm.



Sweating is more important than warmth

For those who love to sweat and some skin-sensitive, to wear too much is not good for health. Because the sweat ingredients attached to the skin surface and thermal underwear, do not promptly clean may cause skin allergies and other skin diseases.


In fact, wearing clothes is skillful, the number is not much, as long as dressed, clothes can be the same as the insulation bag for your body temperature escort. Xiaobian think you can refer to the rules of outdoor sports dress - "sandwich" dressing method.

Sweat layer

Intimate wear is the most important feature is to keep the skin dry, to prevent sweating hair flu, wet people bring discomfort is far stronger than the low temperature, select the best fast-drying clothing function.


As the main role of the middle layer is to store heat, lock the temperature, you can choose fleece and other materials.


The role of the outermost layer is shelter from rain. Use dense chemical fiber fabrics, such as polypropylene fine denier, ultrafine fibers. Mountaineering clothing, Andes clothing is the use of these chemical fiber materials.

Intelligence everywhere


Montessori, a highly efficient thermal insulation, moisture-guiding and ultra-fine denier fiber developed by Guangdong Mengtai High-tech Fiber Co., Ltd., has been applied in batches to international thermal underwear brands such as Giordano.

Super fine denier polypropylene filament


thermal underwear

Montessori, the leader in ultrafine fibers. It is different from any other yarn: it is the lightest fiber in nature, can float on the water; it is more natural and sweaty than natural fibers or synthetic fibers, can keep the skin dry and continuous; it is completely anti-allergic, with superior Environmental protection and antibacterial effect.



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Guangdong Mengtai High-tech Fiber Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Modern High-tech Fiber Co., Ltd.

National research and development of polypropylene fiber production base

The country's largest and highest yield polypropylene filament manufacturer

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Email: 13500150069@163.com

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Fujian market leader: Mr. Chen 13828181807

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Overseas market leader: Mr. Liu +8613822968512

E-mail: 13822968512@139.com

Official Website: http://wap.wxdyzy.com

Contact Us:Mr. Kyle Tell:+86 663 3278020 Fax:0663-3268998 Email:info@gdguangdong.com
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